Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Letter - 6/22/10

Hello Blog Readers!

So, some crazy things have happened since I last wrote. I now have a new companion, Elder Eging, who is ALSO from Ohio. Elder Arnoczky went to Middleton. He's a big boy now. They grow up so fast! But I'm confident in him and it's been interesting to see him learn the ropes and how much he's grown.

Ok, so on to the big news. First of all, I went over to Emmett, ID with Elder Kraus for a day and the people who fed us dinners fed us quite a delicacy in these parts. They're known as Rocky Mountain Oysters. If you don't know what they are, Google it or something. Do that now. Ok, are you done? Yeah, hopefully you still respect me. They tasted...interesting. Not really what you expect, but then again what DO you expect when you go to eat something like that? I will say this though: they were a lot smaller than I pictured them. haha So gross. But hey, I have a cool story now, eh?

We also had three people get baptized the weekend before last. It was a dad and two of his kids. The Pollock family. Jason (dad), Breanna (Daughter) and Jalen (Son). It was a really powerful experience to see a family join together in the Gospel like that. It's experiences like this that help me remember why I came out on a mission. For those of you who don't know (and hopefully I haven't mentioned this before) my parents are converts to the Church. One day, some missionaries knocked on the door a few months after my parents were married and my Mom answered and let them talk to her about the Gospel. I know that my life has been better because the Gospel was in it. I don't know (nor really, do I want to) where I'd be without the Church in my life. I realize a little more now the changes people have to make as a family in order to come closer unto the Savior and it's really inspiring to see them all do it together.

Much thanks to everyone who sends me letters or packages or e-mails. It means a lot to know that you're thinking about me, because I know that I think about you all quite a bit. Never forget how much Heavenly Father and Christ love each of us!!

Don't Eat Rocky Mountain Oysters,

Elder Hops


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