Tuesday, August 4, 2009

One week down in Boise!

Sorry this is such a short post everyone, but I spent pretty much all my alloted time on the computer today trying to get some pictures of me to download, but I can't compress them on the computer I'm using. The files are WAY too big. I'll try on a different computer at a later time.

Everything is awesome here, Elder(Colton)Keith, who I know from Raleigh, is with my companion Elder Nelson and me until this Thursday. We've been having tons of fun working together.

We slept outside last night! We just dragged our mattresses onto the lawn and slept there. It was pretty awesome.

I got a package today from my mom and dad. I really appreciated everything! I know it must've killed Dad to give up that bag of Tootsie Roll mini's that was in there. I love you all and hope to hear from you soon. We Elder's really appreciate when you write to us.


Elder Hopkins


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