Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hello Rupert! 10/27/09

Well, I'm here in Rupert, a town of supposedly just over 5,000 people, although I don't believe it, I've barely seen more than a couple hundred. We've moved into our new apartment, which is easily one of the filthiest places I have ever seen in my life. The last elders who lived here CLEARLY did not understand the principle "Cleanliness is next to Godliness" After a few DAYS of cleaning, scrubbing and detoxifying our apartment, we felt at home. It's a nice little place, where we sleep on mattresses on the floor and have a toilet that sways when you are using it. The apartment also has no heater, save a small floor heater we bought that warms one of the rooms fairly well. The interesting thing is about this abode in which we live is that I love that way that it's falling apart. I absolutely love it. For some reason it just makes me happy knowing that I'm in easily one of the most run down of all the apartments in this mission. I know it doesn't make sense, but it's true.

Many things here are different. First of all, Rupert has a very distinct smell. For those of you who have been the the State Fair near where the animals are, THAT'S what it smells like. However, much like the condition of our apartment, instead of disliking it, I enjoy it very much. It's really nice to be out of Boise where people are very prideful and unfriendly to a small town like Rupert where anyone will help you out with anything you need. Already, Elder Smith and I have recieved:
1 - Apples picked from an tree in someone's yard
2 - Homemade huckleberry jam
3 - Made from scratch cookies
4 - Elk burger meat
5 - A meal made solely from things owned by the family (Chuck roast from a cow they owned and killed, corn cut from ears they owned and of course, potatoes from their farm)

They also have a very strong following in the Church here. Attending membership is easily 2 to 3 times more than in Boise and the youth program is MUCH more active than in my last area. The other Elders in our area are Elder Begg and Elder Ware, from Tampa, Florida and Hueytown, Alabama, respectively. They are awesome. All four of us get along very well and get lots of work done while still sharing plenty of laughs. Well, I have to go for now, but pictures will be on the way soon! (Pics posted in the previous post!)

Take care everyone!

-Elder Hops


Kristen said...

So great to see Mike is doing great and eating well!! We miss you Mike!!

Love -
Aunt Kristen, Uncle Scott & Lauren

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