Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A (Missionary) Child is Born! 12/14/2010

Lots of news here today! First things first! ELDER LANDEEN AND I HAVE A GREENIE! His name is Elder Jacob Morris from Palmdale, California!
We got a call last week from President telling us he was going to try having Zone Leaders train new missionaries and we're one of the first. This means I am now a Zone Leader/District Leader/Trainer. Or ZDT Hops. Haha it's awesome. We literally got Elder Morris an hour ago, so we don't know too much about him, but I can tell he's going to be the MAN!

Next in line: IDAHO JUST GOT IT'S FIRST CHICK-FIL-A! So OF COURSE I had to buy a gallon of Chick-Fil-A Lemonade. It is THE BEST EVER. I can't tell everyone how excited I am at this development. There is a lack of good chicken out here. People think KFC is good. I know, they're severely misguided, but we'll forgive them for their ignorance.

So, lately, there has been something happening in Boise and the surrounding area that sounds a lot like a 1950s horror movie. It's...the Inversion! The Inversion is essentially when the clouds go from above the city to IN the city. It's pretty much foggy all the time. It's actually really cool. I feel like I live in Russia or something because we haven't seen the sun in a week or so. Which is lame, because now I can't wear any of my 15 pairs of fake Ray-Bans. Weak.

This past week, we met a family named the Searles. Josh (Dad), Amber (Mom), Cain (11), Cameron (9) and their little, crazy red-headed girl, Jasmine (2). They asked us to come over because Josh had recently been injured at work and wanted a blessing. He heard from one of his LDS friends that the missionaries gave blessings so he called us. Turns out, it was no minor accident; he had been working on concrete with a concrete chainsaw and it flipped up and hit him in the chest. AND HE LIVED. He told us he felt like God was trying to tell him to go to church, which I thought was an awesome observation to get out of taking a chainsaw to the chest. So, we taught them about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and then invited them to go to church and be baptized. They said yes on both accounts, although mom was a little skeptical about coming to church (she has agoraphobia...and if you don't know what that is, look it up...and listen to the song by the same name by Incubus.) But Sunday rolled around and they ALL came. It was amazing. Jasmine, who had never really been apart from her mommy, went to Nursery with NO complaints, the boys ran off down the hall trying to find the classrooms they'd be in for Primary Sunday School and Josh and Amber had a great time in Gospel Principles, the Sunday School for people who are just being introduced to church for the first time. They even participated in the discussions in class and attended the 3rd Hour meetings. So awesome.

I don't have a lot of time right now, so I'm going to save my Christmas message for next week. Know that I love you all and appreciate everything you do for me and that nothing brightens my day and eases my burdens more than receiving letters from folks back home. I try to respond when I get time, so don't think I don't try, but know that even if I can't, I appreciate it very much.

Until next week!

- ZDT Hops


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